A Woman’s Body is an Amazing Thing

Let’s talk about pregnancy ….

Oh my word ! I know you get women that LOVE being pregnant and see it as this magical time in your life….

Well for me it was a bit different 🙈🤣

I had ; Nausea, headaches, heartburn, constipation, mood swings, irritation, weight gain, swelling, bladder infection, yeast infections, sore body , dehydration and landed up in the hospital, flu and the list goes on and on !

Although I do agree with the fact that it is a special time , I do believe that it is a kind of right of passage for a woman and it is all so so worth it in the end , it takes so much out your body !

In some ways my body is so different after giving birth , I had a c section so I have the well known belly flap , I cant hold my pee anymore ; it needs to happen RIGHT NOW 😂

But in other ways I am amazed at how well my body has recovered , the heartburn is gone , although the belly flap is still there it is already significantly smaller , I have no bladder issues anymore, my body feels healthy again (except the excessive hair loss at the moment) .

I find this fascinating , how your body can endure all that and only have little tell tails about it , yes I have stretch marks and my body looks a bit different, but I am healthy and I have a healthy little baby girl and thats all that matters ❤️

Thankful 🙏🏻💪🏻


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Im 27 years old and live in Ganyesa North West South Africa. Married to an amazing husband and have a sweet little baby girl :)

4 thoughts on “A Woman’s Body is an Amazing Thing”

      1. All your posts and your child’s pics are very sweet. Enjoy every single moment with her. Motherhood is a miracle and a blessing…. Keep posting..

        Liked by 2 people

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