Happy Home

Have you ever heard people say “your baby is happy because she can feel that you as a parent are relaxed”

Well first off , I don’t feel relaxed EVER ! haha , as a first time mom , this whole thing is nerve wracking 🤣

But it is such a huge compliment to hear that , and I do believe it to some extend , babies feed off of their parents , they watch us and they learn from us , being a good example is the very definition of good parenting !

When I was breastfeeding , I struggled so much , with everything , I had baby blues , she would not latch , I second guessing myself around every corner , and she was sooo difficult, looking back now , I think she could sense how stressed and unsure I was about everything !

Isn’t it amazing how with time , it really does get easier ? You hear people say it , but you don’t believe it because its chaos the first few weeks and even months ! But it really does.

Time is an amazing thing ! ❤️


Slippers | Mom Brain

Everyone always talks about pregnancy brain , but mom brain is definitely also a thing !

Motherly instinct for me runs so so deep , it even kind off overtakes all the other parts of my brain too , this type of love is just not normal compared to anything else , it’s overwhelming to say the least .

Take me for example , its winter here in South Africa , and I have literally been wearing my slippers for 4 months because my feet are still fat (yes that is a thing) and I just haven’t though of buying myself some shoes that actually fit , I have been to a mall in this time , but somehow I just end up buying thousands of onesies that Paige will grow out of in a weeks time 🤣

Not to mention the worrying , this is INTENSE ! I worry constantly ; is she warm enough , is she too warm , does she have enough blankets , is the monitor working , is the thermometer working, is she sick , what is that spot, that mark wasn’t there yesterday, why isn’t her hair growing, has she eaten enough, is she eating too much, maybe she is too chubby, is she sleeping enough, why has she been sleeping for so long ?

And the list just goes on and on and on …..

I sometimes find myself wondering ; how the hell am I going to survive the next 18 years ? And the next 18 after that ? I don’t think the worrying will ever end , it is a type of love that moves in into every part of your brain , your heart , your soul , your everything !



You Are Spoiling Your Baby

So I am sure I am not the only one who has a grandmother in law that yells “you are spoiling her” whenever she sees my husband pushing Paige in the pram to sleep …. 🤣

In all honesty though this makes me so mad , for so many reasons; first , at this stage I will do WHATEVER it takes to get her to sleep, whether that means I must stand on my head humming a lullaby , so be it !

Second of all , I don’t believe that I can shower my baby with too much of anything quite frankly , she is only starting to see all the colors now , I mean , she does not understand why I am leaving her when she cries or why I don’t want to console her . Just thinking about this breaks my heart .

I will most probably be the strict parent between me and my husband , but at the appropriate age where she can learn right from wrong and understand consequences.

I honestly think this “spoiling ” thing is from the older generation , they all say and do it ….

At the end of the day , I would just prefer people disagreeing with my parenting in private , to their friends and husbands behind my back, like normal people 🤣

Cause quite frankly , its none of your business !


Sleeping Through |The Myth The Legend

What is sleeping through ?

Well I still don’t know haha

I hear of moms brag about it from like 2 or 3 months old , at this stage I am quite convinced that my baby girl will never sleep through 🙈👀

She is 4 months old and going through sleep regression , so she is literally sleeping less every day ! Our days consist of 3-4 30 minute naps and our nights she wakes up about every 3 hours , shes just fussy at night time , no matter what I do .

I have accepted this as a norm at this point haha , and have reverted to a giggly state due to tiredness ….

Here’s hoping (and praying) that the night comes soon and I can also brag about it 🤣

